Good Shepherd Church Montrose
WELCOME weekends are designed for persons over the age 18 living within the parish boundaries of St. Robert in Flushing and Good Shepherd in Montrose or any registered member of either parish. Non-Catholics within the parish boundaries interested in learning more about the Catholic faith may also attend. Space is limited. Guests from other parishes may attend if space is available. Please call the parish office with questions.
WELCOME is an opportunity to form meaningful relationships with people who will journey with you in friend-ship and faith. It is designed so you will encounter Jesus, develop a deeper personal prayer life and discover the genius of Catholicism.
WELCOME will help you make sense out of life, develop lasting Christian friendships and fill you with new-found energy and purpose. Every-thing is taken care of for participants. Dress casually and come and enjoy being served by the WELCOME team, parish volunteers and priests. Deadline to register is September 14.
For more information or to register: Cathy St. James (810) 908-2856 or email: